Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Kid Makes a LOT of Noise...

But you can't necessarily hear it JUST YET! Here is a video from my picture camera, I'm still working on the video camera sound part...

Cameron is a very happy little boy who spends most of his day with a smile on his face...except for when it's feedin' time and we are not fast enough! He is juuuust about crawling all over the house. He does this crazy little leap forward motion about a foot at a time. His main motivation...DADDY's remote control! Put it down any where near him and he'll do whatever it takes to get to's HILARIOUS!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Long Time No See!

Cameron has turned out to be a real handful! It takes a lot of time to keep him clean and fed, it's like...a full time job! Therefore it is not as easy as I thought to keep this blog updated. are some fun pics:

Cam did a little bit of drinkin' on St Patty's, but he's got a lot to learn to catch up to his Papa!

Enjoying a giggle on the couch.

Cameron went for his first swin in the pool late in May.

He also enjoyed meeting his Great Grandmother in May...Grandma Raube couldn't get enough Cam!

It took a little while for the splashing to begin, but when it did!

Look at how big the boy has gotten! This is 2 weeks ago.

He loves his Papose!

Bathtime is fun!

I'm going to do some video experiments in the next couple of weeks...maybe you can hear him soon!